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When Intellect gets in the way...

The work that I do cannot logically be explained - but it works and isn't that the most important thing?

When people ask me how Reiki works, it is simply that it places your body into rest and digest, allowing your body to come out of the stress state. This creates space within for incredible self-healing to kick in and work its magic - clearing up physical, mental and emotional clutter from within, piece by piece, bit by bit. This further allows your immune system to strengthen; aches and pains to start to decrease; your sleep to improve; emotional and mental angsts to lessen - such as anxieties and strong non-helpful beliefs - and so on...the list is endless.

The more and more you place your body into the rest and digest, the more it will sort everything out. You will start to feel lighter, due to the emotional and mental energetic releases and start to become the creater of an amazing life moving forwards. The life you may have always dreamed of, but due to the energetic blockages in your life, never believed possible. Well, I am here to tell you that it really is - anything is possible.

So, that is the wellbeing part of Reiki - allowing yourself the timeout - the time to stop and breathe and nuture your being.

Powerful, powerful stuff!

Ok, now to dig a little deeper...

A Reiki Practitioner will dedicate time and focus on their own holistic journey; and become at one with their 'work' - they live Reiki, because it is a fundamental part of life.

Dr David Hamilton puts it really well in his article 'Is there Science on Reiki?"where he talks about being around emphatic people that you just know care about how you are......

When you are in a such heart-focused state, you help people close to you move towards a similar state. I think most of us have probably noticed this in our own lives, either as the one affecting another person, or as the one being affected. There are people that most of us know who have a natural warming presence. You may be one of them! That you come to feel better (mentally and / or physically) around them is known as the ‘natural healer effect’.
Reiki practitioners are trained to reach these optimum states when working with clients. Their goal is one of service, in the ‘highest good’ of the client. Their predominant state is empathy.

So simply being the presence of a heart-opened person, who then practices Reiki on you for your highest and greatest good; all their intention and focus being on your wellbeing for the entire session - how could you not benefit from such a connection?

Ok, I get that....but seriously HOW does it really work?

That is the million dollar question! I cannot truly answer. Well, that's not quite the case - because I can certainly give you my understanding of how it really works; but who is to say that is correct?

My interpretation....

I believe that we are all one energy - what I would call Source Energy and what Reiki (and many other holistic practices) refers to as Life Force Energy. My Reiki attunements and the journey I am on have allowed my consciousness to comprehend this; with no question at all.

It is totally logical to me; that's not to say it always was because it certainly wasn't. However, my experiences have never ceased to contradict this. It makes total sense to me. But I totally respect that it may not make any sense to you, and that is ok.

Due to my attunements, my belief system and my daily practice; I am able to connect to Source Energy and am a channel for it.

I feel a connection occuring when I tune in, an overwhelming amount of love and light - it is simply beautiful. I then request Reiki to guide my intuition to enable me to create the most nurturing and powerful session for my customer...and then off I go!

I sense the energy as tingles, pulsing and a kind of 'pouring' out of my palms.

Too much?

I completely respect that this might sound a little far fetched.

I would say that there are plenty of things that we take for granted in our consciousness life that we cannot see or even explain. Things such as planes flying; remote controllers working; communicating via a satellite in space from Australia to the UK; yes its logical because we can explain the science behind it - but does it make it more real because the satellite is man-made? Do we really believe that man is the highest intelligence in existence? (just a note, I am not disputing that there are many many incredible clever and intelligent humans that have made awe inspiring creations and discoveries*; but simply putting it out there that if man-made satellites can allow such magic as me being able to speak to my son who is thousands of miles away in the middle of nowhere - imagine what else could be possible from the Universe!).

*actually I feel compelled to say that all humans are capable of so much more than we realise - and every single person in existence is valuable - not only if you have created some amazing invention.

Think about the way that nature works, the way it works as one. Think about all the indigenious populations who created seemingly mysterious constructions - very few of which are not based around the Universe one way or another. What did they believe that nowadays, in our modern day living, we have forgotten?

So when we try to intellectualise energy healing and a practice such as Reiki; it can get very very difficult - and people just switch off - which is so sad because Reiki and other energy healing practices can bring a wholesomeness, peaceful abundance in your life, and trust me when I say that it is a wonderful thing to experience.

Reiki has opened up a whole new world for me - but I still live in the real world, I just view it with slightly different eyes now :)


I am aware that people only absorb what they are able to ready to absorb - 100 people could be reading this and there could easily be 100 different interpretations - actually 101 because there would be my one too!

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